This is a textbook and practical clinical handbook for all students and practitioners concerned with evaluation, diagnosis, assessment and management of neck pain and cervical headache particularly in relation to whiplash. It is written by a group of researchers and clinicians who are leaders in the[...]
Presents state-of-the-art manual therapy research from the last 10 yearsMultidisciplinary authorship presents the viewpoints of different professions crucial to the ongoing back pain management debateHighly illustrated and fully referenced[...]
Nacksmärta orsakar ett stort lidande för människan och ger ofta omfattande negativa konsekvenser för både individen och samhället. Denna bok ger en bred men också djup inblick inom framför allt området whiplashrelaterade besvär men även inom nackproblematik utan bakomliggande skada samt h[...]
Since the third edition of Grieve's Modern Manual Therapy was published in 2005, the original concepts of manipulative therapy have grown to embrace new research-generated knowledge. Expansions in practice have adopted new evidence which include consideration of psychological or social moderators. T[...]