Davina Psamophis Falcao - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Davina Psamophis Falcao
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  1. The Great Grisby: Two Thousand Years of Literary, Royal, Philosophical, and Artistic Dog Lovers and Their Exceptional Animals (Inbunden)


    Mikita Brottman, Davina Psamophis Falcao

    ISBN: 9780062304612 - UTGIVEN: 2014-10

    A scholar, psychoanalyst, and cultural critic explores the multifaceted role dogs play in our world in this charming bestiary of dogs from literature, lore, and life.While gradually unveiling her eight-year love affair with her French bulldog, Grisby, Mikita Brottman ruminates on the singular bond b[...]

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    från 209.00 kr