We are living in a land not our own. We are looking for a city, whose Builder and Maker is God. Along the way, there will be rivers from which to drink. These "rivers" will renew, refresh, and restore vision and purpose. But the "river" will not ultimately satisfy the inner longing of your soul. The[...]
The author provides a solid teaching tool for church leaders who are facing not only their own struggles but also reaping the fallout of recent moral failings of nationally well-known church leaders. The author addresses the very real issues of how and wh[...]
It's time to grow up...so that we can fulfill God's purposes for us and for our generation For too long we've been spiritual children clinging to our mother's leg, refusing to go to school on the first day. Here David Ravenhill, son of the late Leonard Ravenhill and a seasoned pastor himself, chall[...]