The second edition of this highly successful 'Principles of Business Economics' gives undergraduates, MBA students or aspiring managers a clear and concise text that covers all aspects of an introductory course in microeconomics. Core concepts are covered whilst keeping technical jargon and mathemat[...]
This is Volume II of Prof. Parker's authoritative Official History of UK privatisation, drawing upon internal government papers and interviews with the ministers, civil servants and business people most heavily involved in the major privatisations of the 1987-97 era.[...]
Andrew Burn and David Parker outline how multi-modality theory can be used to analyze texts whicj employ multiple semiotic modes and media, in such a way that a balanced consideration is given to the characteristics of each mode, how they integrate, and how they distribute textual functions between [...]
This book provides the first sole-authored text focusing specifically on REITs as a business enterprise. It looks at the whole process of REIT governance, management and property investment and is designed to be an essential reference book for practicing professionals in the REIT industry. Based on [...]
The book is going through its biggest revolution since Gutenberg. Thanks to computer tools and electronic publication, the concept and realisation of critical editions are being rethought. As so often in the history of scholarship, editors of the New Testament are making a vital contribution to thes[...]
Global Environments through the Quaternary delves into the environmental changes that have taken place during the Quaternary: the two to three million years during which man has inhabited the Earth. It is essential reading for any students seeking a balanced, objective overview of this truly interdi[...]
The authors discuss effective leadership in extended schooling to fulfill Every Child Matters mandates and provide case studies demonstrating what is possible in a variety of settings.[...]
Ihminen on kuin monimutkainen tehdas, joka vaatii valtavan valvonta- ja käskykoneiston. Aivosi toimivat tällaisena koneistona, joka huolehtii elimistön toiminnasta päästä varpaisiin. Ne ilmoittavat sinulle, kun vatsasi on tyhjä tai rakkosi täynnä. Ne muuttavat ääniaallot tunnistettaviksi[...]