Filled with hundreds of stunning examples of successful two dimensional design, this how-to book explains design theory and gives you the tools necessary so you can create successful designs yourself. Now accompanied by a Premium Website, "Design Basics, International Edition" presents art fundament[...]
In systematischer Absicht verfolgen die Autoren die Geschichte des Holismus in der analytischen und der (post- )strukturalistischen Sprachphilosophie - von Hilbert und Saussure bis hin zu Derrida und Davidson. In der Konsequenz dieser Darlegung kommt es zu einer weitreichenden Revision sowohl des[...]
Filled with hundreds of stunning examples of successful two dimensional design, this how-to book explains design theory and gives you the tools necessary so you can create successful designs yourself. DESIGN BASICS presents art fundamentals concepts in full two- to four-page spreads, making the text[...]
Filled with hundreds of stunning examples of successful two dimensional design, this how-to book explains design theory and gives you the tools necessary so you can create successful designs yourself. DESIGN BASICS presents art fundamentals concepts in full two- to four-page spreads, making the text[...]
Filled with hundreds of stunning examples of successful two-dimensional design, this how-to book explains design theory and gives students the tools needed to create successful designs. DESIGN BASICS presents art fundamentals concepts in full two- to four-page spreads, making the text practical and [...]