In his new book for children, Steve Bloom has focused his camera on fourteen species of wild animal families: bears, cheetahs, chimpanzees, elephants, giraffes, gorillas, hippos, lions, orangutans, pandas, penguins, rhinos, seals, and zebras. Each family is featured over four pages, and the broad ar[...]
Brittiläinen Steve Bloom on palkittu luontokuvaaja, jonka valokuvat ovat tallentaneet eläinmaailman ihmeitä useisiin julkaisuihin ja tietokirjoihin. Hän on kuvannut niin tropiikin, lauhkeiden seutujen kuin napa-alueidenkin huikeaa luontoa, joka on monin paikoin vaarassa kadota. Bloomin kuvat tod[...]
A single volume of the most beautiful texts by Herman Hesse including intimate memories of his final years. Hesse collected life sketches, poems, aphorisms and short essays dedicated to the ultimate challenge of a writer who had already accomplished a celebrated body of work - that of accepting his [...]