For most of its history, one of the primary functions of the church was to provide spiritual guidance and advice for daily living. With the rise of professional psychology, however, Christian counseling began to adapt to the ways of this "science of the soul," which has all too frequently ignored th[...]
A Personal Growth Finalist in the 2004 Word Guild Canadian Writing Awards "Only God deserves absolute surrender because only God can offer absolutely dependable love." In our self-reliant era, most of us recoil from the concept of surrendering to a power or authority outside ourselves. But surrende[...]
Being human is a lifelong journey of becoming. This journey defines our humanity, for it is a journey toward our source and our fulfillment, described in Christian theology as union with God. If we remain open to God as our sense of self awakens, we experience a deeper consciousness of being in him.[...]
The most vital and significant moments in life are moments of encounter. Whether we encounter ourselves, others, or God, these moments let us know that life is meaningful. And presence is what makes encounter possible. When we are truly present, everything that has being becomes potentially present [...]
Bøn er ikke kun at kommunikere med Gud - det er at søge ind i et fællesskab med Gud. Når vi åbner os selv for ham, begynder han sit forvandlende virke i os.
David Benner hjælper os til at erfare, at åbenheden over for Gud er det helt centrale i bønnen og det kristn[...]
Tron ses i våra dagar ofta som något privat, som ett förhållande bara mellan Gud och mig. Men när vi kommit en bit på den andliga resan märker vi att det inte är möjligt att vandra helt ensam. Många upptäcker en längtan efter gemenskap och närhet.
David G Benner visar vä[...]