From the dawning of the industrial epoch, wage earners have organized themselves into unions, fought bitter strikes, and gone so far as to challenge the very premises of the system by creating institutions of democratic self-management aimed at controlling production without bosses. With specific ex[...]
Huffington Post
"A fascinating new book... Anti-capitalism, this book reminds us, is a politics of walking and of love."
Barbara Epstein, University of California, Santa Cruz
"A beautiful and insightful evocation of an emergent radical perspective..."Occupying Language" uses the vocabular[...]
The global financial crisis has led to a new shop-floor militancy. Radical forms of protest and new workers' takeovers have sprung up all over the globe. In the US, Republic Windows and Doors started production under worker control in January 2013. Later that year workers in Greece took over and man[...]
The global financial crisis has led to a new shop-floor militancy. Radical forms of protest and new workers' takeovers have sprung up all over the globe. In the US, Republic Windows and Doors started production under worker control in January 2013. Later that year workers in Greece took over and man[...]