Danny Gill - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Danny Gill
Visar Resultat (1-3)
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  1. Danny Gill's Rhythm Guitar for Absolute Beginners (Video)


    Danny Gill

    ISBN: 9781458419231 - UTGIVEN: 2011-10

    (Lick Library). Over the course of this DVD, you will learn some essential rhythm guitar techniques such as simple chords, barre chords and power chords that can be used in any style of guitar playing from jazz to metal. It covers essential basic rhythm guitar skills including: tuning the guitar * w[...]

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    från 190.00 kr
  2. Rock Lead Techniques (Pocket)


    Danny Gill, Nick Nolan, Danny Gill

    ISBN: 9780793573806 - UTGIVEN: 199803

    Musicians Institute PressJam along with Danny Gill and Nick Nolan as they present material from this MI elective course. Covers: licks, scales, soloing concepts, picking technique, three-note-per-string scales, sweep picking, string skipping, harmonics and more. The CD includes 97 full-demo tracks.[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 126.00 kr
  3. Classical Guitar Favorites [With DVD]


    Danny Gill

    ISBN: 9781603783149 - UTGIVEN: 201101

    (Guitar). Features notes and tab for 20 classical favorites by Bach, Handel, Beethoven, Carcassi, Sor, Tarrega and others, plus complete, note-for-note instruction by Danny Gill on DVD for: Bouree in E Minor * Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring * Leyenda * Malaguena * Minuet in G * and Romance.[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 139.00 kr