Are your roots firmly grounded in Scripture?The destiny of Israel and the Christian Church is bound together, evident in the Scriptures. Learning this truth is essential for survival."Jewish Roots--A Foundation of Biblical Theology" is an introduction to biblical theology from a Jewish contextual po[...]
Something prophetic and momentous is happening. The Church is finally fully grasping its relationship to Israel and the Jewish people. Author describes the restoration movements in Church history and how they connected to Israel and the Jewish people. Each one contributed in some way-- some more, so[...]
Is there any more enigmatic book of the Bible than Revelation? Controversy concerning its meaning has surrounded it back to the first century. Today the argument continue. Yet, Dan Juster has given us the key that unlocks the entire book--the events and circumstances of the passover/Exodus.[...]
This discipleship guide presents first steps of understanding and spiritual practice, tailored for the Jewish believer, but applicable to anyone. It's goal is to aid the student in living according to Yeshua's will as a talmid (a disciple), one who learns from the example of his teacher. This guide[...]
This book is written to counter a new sort of anti-Semitism Replacement Theology and to address other destructive, widespread distortions that cause Christians and Jews to misunderstand each other. History, stretching back to the Reformation, reveals a special commitment of Christians to the Jews [...]