"Ghoulfriends Forever" is a brand-new Monster High series, introducing three new monster characters. As new students, the trio must navigate the bewildering array of cute monster boys, established cliques, and monster-rific subjects like Mad Science, G-ogre-phy, and Physical Deaducation. As if that [...]
The ghoulfriends' new GFF, Wydowna Spider, starts to clear the cobwebs about the mysterious threat to Monster High. The previous generation of monsters formed a secret society that seems bent on turning the school into something that's more like a prison But when Rochelle Goyle, Robecca Steam, and [...]
Fang out with your ghoulfriends and en"gross" yourself in the student unlife of Monster High. Bring this ghoul-it-yourself journal to Study Howl, the Creepateria, and the Maul to bond with your beasties over Ghoulish Literature, scary-cool poems, delightfully dead dances, spooktacular fashions, and [...]
As new students, the trio must navigate the bewildering array of cute monster boys, established cliques, and monster-rific subjects like Mad Science, G-ogre-phy, and Physical Deaducation. As if that weren't hard enough, something strange and sinister seems to be happening at the school. Popular girl[...]
GFFs Rochelle, Robecca, and Venus begin to settle in at Monster High and are having a fangtastic time getting involved in the student body. Rochelle is tutoring the trolls, Robecca is blasting onto the Skulltimate Roller Maze team, and Venus is starting a compost pile with Lagoona Blue! The ghoulfri[...]
The three ghoulfriends - Robecca Steam, Venus McFlytrap, and RochelleGoyle - are on the case to solve the mystery of the missing headmistress! First up is investigating the creeperiffic attic on the Monster High campus, where someone appears to have been hiding out amongst the lacy webs. Who is she,[...]
The ghoulfriends' new GFF, Wydowna Spider, starts to clear the cobwebs about the mysterious threat to Monster High. The previous generation of monsters formed a secret society that seems bent on turning the school into something that's more like a prison! But when Rochelle Goyle, Robecca Steam, a[...]