A practical guide to the current Jewish interpretation of topics of universal interest, this reference features around 1400 entries, describing all the key aspects of religion, culture and history in Judaism.[...]
An updated edition of this best-selling introduction to the conflict. With coverage of all the recent events, the new edition of this best-selling book gives a thorough and accessible account of the history behind the Palestine-Israeli conflict, its roots, and the possibilities for the future. New m[...]
A guide that examines the Jewish faith and its practices and explores what it really means to be a Jew. From the nature of God to the divisions within Judaism and from worship to everyday customs, it covers the topics essential to an informed understanding of this highly influential 3000-year-old fa[...]
A comprehensive study of Jewish and Christian teaching about animals, this text argues that the treatment of animals is not only a moral issue, but also a theological and spiritual one. The authors show how Jews and Christians have often failed to promote a compassionate and sensitive regard for ani[...]
A detailed exploration of the biblical idea of the Messiah and its development over three thousand years.[...]
Christians, Muslims and Jews all stem from one man, Abraham, and yet relations between them are so often strained. Three men of faith - one Jew, one Muslim and one Christian - debate the differences between them. The result is a compelling discussion: What do their faiths teach on the big issues of [...]
Anti-Semitism has featured in the history of Western civilization since the Greeks. What the twentieth century has seen through the lens of the holocaust has been happening for over 3000 years. Dan Cohn-Sherbok traces the origins of anti-Semitism and its manifestations, from political opposition to [...]
An history of Jewish religion and philosophy, its traditions and practices, that is illustrated with over 500 photographs and paintings. It highlights biblical teaching and traces its development across the centuries from earliest and rabbinic times onwards. It also covers teachings about rites of p[...]
This is a concise introduction to the contemporary challenges and key issues facing Judaism. For nearly four millennia, Judaism was essentially a unified religious system based on shared traditions. Despite the emergence of various sub-groups through the centuries such as the Sadducees, Pharisees, E[...]
Provides a rapid reference to those Jewish men and women who have, over the last four thousand years, contributed to the life, history and study of Judaism in all its facets. From Abraham to Saul Bellow, from Moses Maimonides to Woody Allen, from the Baal Shem Tov to Albert Einstein, it provides an [...]
This is an exploration of the origins and development of Zionism, illustrating the theory and history of the Zionist movement and the creation of the state of Israel. In recent years, there has been an explosion of interest in Middle Eastern affairs. The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians [...]
With coverage of all the recent events, the new edition of this best-selling book gives a thorough and accessible account of the history behind the Palestine-Israeli conflict, its roots, and the possibilities for the future. The book is divided into two parts - the first by an American rabbi and Pro[...]
Dette er en helt vesentlig bok for alle dem som gjerne vil ha dypere innsikt i den traumatiske konflikten i Midtøsten. Den er logisk oppbygd, informativ, positiv og - aller viktigst: objektiv.Her blir begge sider av denne uhyre kompliserte saken belyst av bokens to forfattere. På slutten av boken [...]
Denna bok kommenterar de väsentligaste källorna till den judiska religionen och deras historiska kontext. Den ger en utmärkt överblick över den judiska mysticismens utveckling. Efter en grundläggande presentation av de viktigaste utvecklingsfaserna citeras ett kronologiskt urval av källtexter[...]
For nearly four thousand years the wisdom of Judaism has supported people through exile and suffering, good times and bad. Founded on the universal principles of justice, integrity and righteousness, its message is as relevant today as ever, and has much to offer all members of the global community[...]