Here are the real pioneers of Hot Rodding - racing lakes in mid-century, breaking records, and by sheer ingenuity transforming discarded car bodies, flathead V-8's, four-bangers into the cars of myth and legend. In essays by the most respected hot-rodding journalists today, the icons of early days c[...]
Hot rods and rodding offer the enthusiast more options for finishing a vehicle than perhaps any other gearhead pursuit. When it comes to a hot rod, parts aren't just parts; it's all in how they come together - either it works or it doesn't. This new "Motorbooks Idea Book" covers every system of a tr[...]
Harley-Davidson Motor Company on valmistanut jo yli sadan vuoden ajan legendaarisia moottoripyöriä, joita arvostetaan kaikkialla maailmassa niiden tyylin, laadun ja innovatiivisuuden ansiosta.Yhtiö avasi vuonna 2008 Harley-Davidsonmuseon, pinta-alaltaan 12 000 neliömetrin suuruisen aarreaitan, j[...]
Photographer David Blattel treats every photo shoot as a work of art. When his subjects are the works of art produced by the motorcycling maestros from Milwaukee, the results are doubly beautiful. "Art of the Harley-Davidson Motorcycle" pulls together the best of Blattel's Harley-Davidson portraitur[...]