Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki was a key figure in the introduction of Buddhism to the non-Asian world. Many outside Japan encountered Buddhism for the first time through his writings and teaching, and for nearly a century his work and legacy have contributed to the ongoing religious and cultural interchan[...]
Here are the famous sutras, or sermons, of the Buddha; the gathas, or hymns; the intriguing philosophical puzzles known as koan; and the dharanis, or invocations to expel evil spirits. Included also are the recorded conversations of the great Buddhist monks - intimate dialogues on subjects of moment[...]
Zen ja psykoanalyysi tarjoaa mahdollisuuden seurata huikeaa dialogia, jossa kohtaavat D. T. Suzukin edustama zenbuddhalainen traditio ja Erich Frommin freudomarxilainen yhteiskuntakritiikki.Suzukin mukaan länsimaisen nykyihmisen suurin ongelma on yritys hallita maailmaa älyn ja teknologian avulla.[...]
The Lankavatara Sutra, according to tradition, contains the actual words of the Buddha spoken in Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Nothing is known about its author, the time of its composition, or its original form. Scholars have tended to date the original compilation to early in the first century, and the writ[...]