Literaturno-khudozhestvennoe izdanie Dlja detej mladshego shkolnogo vozrasta
D. N. Mamin-Sibirjak rodilsja i bolshuju chast zhizni prozhil na Urale. V istoriju russkoj literatury on voshel prezhde vsego kak avtor «uralskikh» romanov, kotorye i prinesli emu shirokuju izvestnost. Vse v nikh kazalos neobychnym dlja chitatelej: i sam kolorit sibirskoj zhizni ? priroda, byt, tr[...]
(THE STORIES ABOUT NATURE)Short novels about nature and wild animals written by the known Russian children's writer D. Mamin-Sibirjak. He was a hunter as well as an author so when he put together his two professions, the result is a fascinating children?s book which tells about animals in the way wh[...]