Studies of human movement have proliferated in recent years. This greatly expanded and thoroughly updated reference surveys the literature on the corticospinal control of spinal cord circuits in human subjects, showing how different circuits can be studied, their role in normal movement and how they[...]
Vad sysslar muslimer med på nätet? Planerar självmordsbombningar och klagar över arroganta kvinnor som kräver rösträtt? Inte alls.
Egyptiern Mohamed El-Fatatry som växte upp i Förenade Arabemiraten och kom till Finland för att studera teknologi visste bättre. Han insåg att de [...]
The ultimate tool for students! Tired of using the same few phrases in all your presentations? Can't find the right expression to begin your college admissions essay? Stuck with a drab, uninspiring conclusion at the end of your research paper? Roget's Thesaurus of Words for Students will help you fi[...]
The ultimate tool for writers! Whether you're crafting the next great American novel or pounding away at a last-minute blog entry, there will come a time in the process when you struggle to find just the perfect word or phrase. Under the time-tested banner of Roget's Thesaurus, this collection will [...]
What do Muslims do online? Plot suicide bombings and complain about presumptuous women who demand the right to vote? Mohamed El-Fatatry knew better. An Egyptian national who grew up in the United Arab Emirates and came to Finland to study technology, Mohamed knew that most young Muslims were like an[...]
The first book about Nokia written after the Microsoft deal.Nokia's fall from the pinnacle of the mobile phone industry was unprecedented in both its rapidity and its extent. Now for the first time the true, comprehensive story is told of the decline and fall of Finland's greatest company.The Declin[...]