The critically acclaimed, best selling complete reprint of The Phantom dailies continues! Referred to by comic strip historian Maurice Horn as the "granddaddy of all costumed superheroes," The Phantom was created in 1936 by Lee Falk with artwork by Ray Moore. The strip hit the funny pages of newspa[...]
For more than 60 years, George Tooker (1920-2011) created luminous and often enigmatic paintings, addressing issues from alienation and the dehumanizing aspects of contemporary society to personal meditations on the human condition. From the Cold War urban purgatories and bureaucratic paranoia of hi[...]
Imagine waking up in 1939 and reading the first Phantom Sunday strip in the newspaper. Now, for the first time, these rare Phantom Sundays are being collected in their full size in an archival reprint of the first six Phantom stories! The stories for these Sundays was created by Lee Falk with artwor[...]