Palmer began his career as an artist at an early age. He first exhibited at the Royal Academy at the age of fourteen (one of his sketchbooks from this time is in the British Museum's collection). In 1824, he met William Blake whose influence helped confirm his visionary approach to art. Palmer retre[...]
For Porter Wren, a New York tabloid columnist, the city is the story: millionaires on the make and strippers on the clock; a woman with perfect teeth and a tragic past; a brilliant filmmaker found dead in the rubble of a demolished building. The story is always shocking but never a surprise. Until h[...]
This book explores the major cultural forms of 1940s America: fiction and non-fiction, music and radio, film and theatre, and serious and popular visual arts. There is also a chapter on the 'culture of war' throughout the decade, and the intellectual context of 1940s culture is introduced: both the [...]
Spændingsroman fra New York af Colin Harrison. En ung kinesisk kvinde må flygte for livet, da nogle magtfulde forretningsmænd afslører hendes snedige bedrag, som har lænset dem for formuer og involveret aktiehandel fra kontinent til kontinent.
»Kinesisk kabale er spændende fra start t[...]
George Young efterforsker mistænkelige anmeldelser i et forsikringsselskab, da Mrs. Corbett, den lidt excentriske enke efter firmaets grundlægger, beder ham undersøge omstændighederne omkring sin eneste søns død. Hvad var det for et stykke papir, han var så opslugt af, at han trådte lige ud [...]
"A Guide to the Nests, Eggs, and Nestlings of North American Birds, Second Edition" provides a thorough, species-by-species guide to the breeding biology of the birds of North America. Some 670 breeding species are described in full, covering the birds of a vast area, from the Arctic to the southern[...]