In this groundbreaking book for the corporate world, government and institutions, Colin has succeeding in finding a way to present the Radical Forgiveness technology to the business community in a way that is meaningful to them, valuable and non-threatening. The sub-title of the book is: 'A Radical [...]
This book is just what you would expect from Colin Tipping -- a radical approach to conscious creating that is fresh, insightful, down-to-earth and solidly practical. It shows you how you can put your life into high gear, manifesting what you want so you can live a life of fulfilment, abundance, joy[...]
A Handbook for Awakening to Who You Are, Raising Your Vibration and Creating Enlightened Relationships. Who am I, really? What is the meaning of my life? Why are my relationships so challenging and often painful? Why am I attracting the same kinds of people and problems into my life? In this book, t[...]
Anteeksianto koetaan yleisesti vaikeaksi siksi, että anteeksiantoprosessia ei voi järjellisesti kontrolloida. Päätämme jossakin vaiheessa antaa anteeksi ja unohtaa vanhat kaunat, mutta hetken päästä asia ponnahtaa uudestaan ajatuksiimme. Anteeksiantamisen vaikeus johtuu siitä, että emme ol[...]