What does it really take to live eco-effectively? For one year, Colin Beavan swore off plastic and toxins, turned off his electricity, went organic, became a bicycle nut, and tried to save the planet from environmental catastrophe while dragging his young daughter and his Prada-wearing wife along fo[...]
In the growing debate over eco-friendly living, it seems that everything is as bad as everything else. Do you do more harm by living in the country or the city? Is it better to drive a thousand miles or take an airplane? In NO IMPACT MAN, Colin Beavan tells the extraordinary story of his attempt to [...]
In the growing debate over eco-friendly living, it seems that everything is as bad as everything else. Do you do more harm by living in the country or the city? Is it better to drive a thousand miles or take an airplane? In NO IMPACT MAN, Colin Beavan tells the extraordinary story of his attempt to [...]
Mitä yksi ihminen voi tehdä ilmastonmuutoksen hillitsemiseksi?Newyorkilainen kirjailija Colin Beavan päätti tehdä kokeen: hän eläisi vaimonsa ja pienen lapsensa kanssa vuoden ajan niin, että kuormittaisi ympäristöä mahdollisimman vähän.Hiilijalanjäljen minimointi keskellä Manhattania [...]