Paper's not just for note cards or scrapbooking anymore Decorate your home with the 25 fun and fabulous eco-friendly papercraft projects featured in this inspiring new collection. You can conjure up tea light lanterns, vintage flower lampshades, decorative bowls, picture frames, stacking photo cube[...]
Here are 52 beautifully simple step-by-step ideas to get you crafting throughout the year. Start in January by making a handmade diary so you can start the year fresh and organised, while in March you can revamp your home for the annual spring clean with a new chair seat or a vintage-inspired embroi[...]
Encourage kids to get in touch with their creative side with this fun-packed book. Full of inspiring rainy-day activities, here you'll find an exciting range of creative alternatives to endless hours in front of the computer or TV screen. All the classic crafting techniques are covered, from printin[...]
Give fabric a new lease of life with one of these fantastically chic recycled bags. In today's modern, environmentally conscious society, with its emphasis on reusing and avoiding plastic bags, a practical bag has become an essential part of everyday life. However, practical doesn't have to mean bor[...]
Expert crafter and lover of Scandinavian design Clare Youngs presents a stunning collection of home wares, gifts, accessories, bags, clothes and more to stitch. Fans of the clean, elegant lines of traditional Scandinavian style are sure to be inspired by the 35 sewing projects in this book. Incorpor[...]
Keep kids entertained with Clare Youngs' brilliant collection of craft ideas including toys, jewellery, gifts and more that have been designed with the environment in mind. Every project incorporates some kind of recycled material, whether using a plastic bag as the sail for your orange peel ships o[...]
Take the stress out of the festive season with Christmas Crafting in No Time, where you will find 50 time-saving projects that have maximum impact but take little time to make. As time is always at a premium during the holiday season, Clare Youngs has developed a beautiful collection of Christmas es[...]
Book Art has 35 innovative designs to transform your books from their original purpose into something attractive and inspiring. Do you have a shelf of old books that you love, but rarely touch? Well why not give them a new lease of life and use them to create one of the 35 beautiful projects Clare Y[...]
Take the stress out of the festive season with Christmas Crafting in No Time. As time is always at a premium during the holiday season, Clare Youngs has developed a beautiful collection of 50 time-saving Christmas crafting projects. There are five chapters covering a wide range of different crafting[...]
Expert crafter Clare Youngs has long been influenced by the folk art of cultures from around the world. Here she uses some of her favourite motifs to create 35 gorgeous projects to make. Clare uses traditional imagery as well as a more modern take on classic folk art - with beautiful results. The [...]
Sivuja selaillessa ei uskoisi, että mallien toteuttamiseen tarvitaan vain muutamia välineitä: sakset, askarteluveitsi, liimaa ja leikkausalusta. Materiaaleina hyödynnetään mm tapetinpaloja, lehtileikkeitä ja vanhoja karttalehtiä. Taittelemalla, leikkaamalla, repimällä, kihartamalla ja lii[...]
Sammakkohahmoja kirjahyllyyn, ihania ötököitä leikkeihin... Näistä helpoista ja hauskoista askartelutöistä lapset innostuvat!Pikkukivet ovat mitä mainiointa askartelumateriaalia - samoin kuin kukat, lehdet, ajopuut ja simpukankuoret. Kaikkia niitä löytyy aivan ilmaiseksi luonnosta. Täss[...]
Lumoava laukkukirja antaa ohjeet käytännöllisten käsilaukkujen, tyylikkäiden olkalaukkujen, rentojen ostoskassien, muodikkaiden iltalaukkujen ja suloisten lastenlaukkujen valmistukseen.35 kekseliästä, käytännöllistä ja muodikasta mallia, joiden suunnittelussa on käytetty kierrätettyjä [...]