Christopher Lasch has examined the role of women and the family in Western society throughout his career as a writer, thinker, and historian. In Women and the Common Life, Lasch suggests controversial linkages between the history of women and the course of European and American history more generall[...]
The redefinition of selfhood, through growing from despair in an uncertain world, offers the promise of a new culture based not on the technological conquest of nature but on its loving cultivation[...]
The book quickly became a bestseller. This edition includes a new afterword, "The Culture of Narcissism Revisited."[...]
Can we continue to believe in progress? In this sobering analysis of the Western human condition, Christopher Lasch seeks the answer in a history of the struggle between two ideas: one is the idea of progress - an idea driven by the conviction that human desire is insatiable and requires ever larger[...]
One of the earliest and sharpest cultural commentators to investigate the twentieth-century American family, Christopher Lasch argues in this book that as social science "experts" intrude more and more into our lives, the family's vital role as the moral and social cornerstone of society disintegrat[...]
Når man læser nu afdøde historieprofessor, Christopher Lachs, Eliternes oprør og forræderiet mod demokratiet, får man hurtigt fornemmelsen af, at man her sidder med et værk, der rummer det mest gennembribende opgør med de vestlige, humanistiske velfærdssamfund, som det overhovedet er mulig[...]
Her gennemgås hovedstrømningerne i det tyvende århundredes social- og samfundsteori. Fra den moderne families tilblivelse og frem til i dag så Lasch udviklingen som ét langt og tilsyneladende logisk generalangreb på kernefamilien og det private livsrum. En jagt på en alternativ eller mere tid[...]
Demokratin i dag hotas inte av massorna utan av eliterna som blir alltmer globala i sin syn. Den här boken är ett spännande och viktigt inlägg i dagens debatt om den globala ekonomin.
Denna titel har tidigare givits ut av SNS förlag men ingår numera i Studentlitteraturs sortiment.