Christopher J. White - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Christopher J. White
Visar Resultat (1-2)
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  1. Changing Your Company from the Inside Out (Inbunden)


    Gerald F. Davis, Christopher J. White, Gerald F. Davis

    ISBN: 9781422185094 - UTGIVEN: 2015-03

    MAKE YOUR COMPANY A FORCE FOR GOOD You're ambitious. You're not afraid to take risks. You want to bring about positive social change. And while your peers have left a trail of failed start-ups in their wake, you want to initiate change from within an established company, where you can have a more f[...]

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    från 226.00 kr
  2. White Trash Uncut (Inbunden)


    Christopher Makos, Andrew J. (FRW) Crispo, Peter (CON) Wise

    ISBN: 9780989170468 - UTGIVEN: 2014-05

    With the publication of with his seminal 1977 book, White Trash, Christopher Makos burst on to the photography scene and made a name for himself as the first photographer to record the convergence of the "uptown" and "downtown" worlds, as Debbie Harry fondly remembers. This raw, beautiful volume chr[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 407.00 kr