This monograph charts the life and career of Chaz Bojorquez, known as "Chaz," a Los Angeles-born Mexican-American artist who began in the "Cholo" gang graffiti tradition but quickly arrived at his own groundbreaking style. This book includes previously unreleased photographs and traces the artist's [...]
Cholo writing is the oldest form of graffiti in the 20th century, evident in Los Angeles long before the appearance of tags and pieces in the early 1970s New York. It is a Mexican American phenomenom with a unique aesthetic based on blackletter typography, used for street bombing by the latino gang[...]
century, evident in Los Angeles long before the appearance of tags and pieces in the early 1970s New York. It is a Mexican American phenomenom with a unique aesthetic based on blackletter typography, used for street bombing by the latino gangs. In the 1970s, Californian citizen Howard Gribble photog[...]