Charles Darwin did not deliberately set out to be the 'destroyer of mythical beliefs', some of which, in his early days as a young Christian, he had previously espoused. He was a modest man who liked to avoid controversy, yet he was to be the cause of one of the greatest controversies in the history[...]
The Wyeth edition of the three tales of the Bounty.
Understand the insect world with BORROR AND DELONGaS INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF INSECTS! Combining current insect identification, insect biology, and insect evolution, this biology text provides you with a comprehensive introduction to the study of insects. Numerous figures, bullets, easily unders[...]
Inneholder tegneserieutgaver av fire romaner. Robin Hood: Robin Hood levde i England på 1100 tallet og var de undertryktes og forfulgtes venn. Han stjal fra de rike og gav til de fattige og lå stadig i konflikt med sheriffen av Nottingham - hans argeste fiende, som gjerne så ham død. Robin Hood [...]