The 1980s: Ten-year-old Kate Meaney - with her 'Top Secret' notebook and Mickey her toy monkey - is busy being a junior detective. She observes goings-on and follows 'suspects' at the newly opened Green Oaks shopping centre and in her street, where she is friends with the newsagent's son, Adrian. Bu[...]
Eamonn Lynch stares at the letter announcing his father's imminent arrival. His first thought: I'll make an excuse, I'll put him off. But it's too late. Laura has left, and Dermot is already here, a fresh arrival from Ireland to southern Spain. Now it's just the two of them, father and son, for two [...]
Det är 1984 och tioåriga Kate Meaney känner sig ensam och bortglömd. För att ha något att göra smyger hon omkring med sin anteckningsbok och leker deckare i det nyöppnade shoppingcentret Green Oaks. Tjugo år senare arbetar Lisa i en musikaffär i shoppinggallerian. Där möter hon säkerhe[...]