The fantastic score by Carter Burwell from Twilight, the box office smash soaked in romance and vampires. Includes the achingly beautiful Bella's Lullaby and ten other pieces. Carter Burwell is well known throughout Hollywood, mostly for his work with the Coen brothers on all of their films, includi[...]
Easy Piano Licensed Art & SdtkEasy solo arrangements of Carter Burwell's compositions for this hit film, including "Bella's Lullaby" and ten more: Dinner with His Family * Edward at Her Bed * I Dreamt of Edward * I Would Be the Meal * In Place of Someone You Love * The Lion Fell in Love with the Lam[...]
Piano Solo Licensed Art & SounThe beautiful scores featured in The Twilight Saga films set the right mood and make each installment even more memorable for fans. This songbook features 12 piano solo arrangements from Carter Burwell's score to Breaking Dawn, Part 1 along with photos from the film: A [...]
This songbook contains solo Piano arrangements of ten dramatic tunes from Carter Burwell's score to the final Twilight installment.
Songs include: At Bedtime a Child Asks About Death - Catching Snowflakes - Meet Renesmee - Present Time - Renesmee's Lullaby/Something Terrible - and more![...]