A Delightful and Inventive Collection Showcasing Top Names in Historical Romance
In Dry Gulch, Texas, 1893, a young woman with a tender heart that longs to help those in need takes it upon herself to meddle in the affairs of three acquaintances who are in dire straits. Wanting to stay anonymous,[...]
En omfattande bedömning av hela patientens hälsostatus är den grund på vilken vårdbeslut baseras. Detta gäller inte minst personens fysiska hälsostatus. Sjuksköterskor förväntas se och bedöma patienten som en hel individ som är mer än summan av sina delar, där fysiska, känslomässiga,[...]
The fully updated second edition of this book continues to take a systematic approach to comprehensive patient assessment. The text explores best practice in history taking and summarises the key clinical skills needed to develop and improve physical examination skills and to competently assess, dia[...]
Provides an overview of perinatal psychiatric disorder for both trainees in perinatal psychiatry and the general adult psychiatrist who wishes to know more on the subject. This book addresses both newly onset and existing mental disorders presenting in pregnancy and the postpartum, issues for childr[...]