Take a breath...Read slowly. How often in the course and crush of our daily lives do we afford ourselves moments to truly relish-to truly be present in-the act of preparing and eating food? For most of us, our enjoyment of food has fallen victim to the frenetic pace of our lives and to our increas[...]
Det talas allt mer om Slow Food i den svenska debatten, men vad betyder det? Vem bättre att svara på det än rörelsens grundare och ordförande, Carlo Petrini. I sin senaste bok, som är den första att komma ut på svenska, får vi en tydlig bild av de tankar som ligger till grund för den inter[...]
Porta Palazzo, arguably Western Europe's largest open-air market, is a central economic, social, and cultural hub for Italians and migrants in the city of Turin. Open-air markets like Porta Palazzo have existed for centuries in Europe; although their function has changed over time-traditional market[...]