Neurophysiologist and educator Dr. Carla Hannaford brings the latest insights from scientific research to questions that affect learners of all ages. Examining the body's role in learning, from infancy through adulthood she presents the mounting scientific evidence that movement is crucial to learni[...]
Explores an area that has long intrigued scientists and educators: the linkages between the side of the body we favor for seeing, hearing, touching, and moving and the way we think, learn, play, and relate to others. Your Dominance Profile is actually a key factor in shaping the way you think and ac[...]
Uudessa kirjassaan Oppimisen palapeli Carla Hannaford kertoo yksilöllisistä aivoprofiileista ja niiden merkityksestä mm. oppimisvaikeuksien ratkaisemisessa. Teos antaa käytännön ohjeita siitä, miten voimme auttaa erilaisin aivoprofiilein varustettuja lapsia ja aikuisia oppimaan uusia asioita [...]