Society is no longer based on mass consumption but on mass participation. New forms of collaboration - such as Wikipedia and YouTube - are paving the way for an age in which people want to be players, rather than mere spectators, in the production process. In the 1980s, Charles Leadbeater's prescien[...]
Frugal innovation is a powerful new model for creating solutions for a world struggling with rapid population growth, exploding demand from consumers on modest incomes, and global pressure to minimize environmental damage. This new wave of innovation started in the developing world but is spreading [...]
C.W. Leadbeater offers an enlightened study of the Path of Discipleship under the Guidance of the Ascended Masters. While existing in our troubled world, we can see in this work the place of initiation and its role in both our spiritual and physical selves. Beautifully written in a manner to both gu[...]
Videnskaben om Sakramenterne er skrevet af C.W. Leadbeater, som var biskop i den anglikanske kirke og senere medstifter og præsiderende biskop i Liberal Katolsk Kirke.
Videnskaben om Sakramenterne giver dybe og esoteriske forklaringer på de store mysterier, der udspiller sig/sker under ce[...]