The largest, most luxurious ship in the world, wrecked on her maiden voyage after colliding with an iceberg in mid-Atlantic has become the stuff of legends, her name, Titanic! While everyone knows the new White Star liner was the most glamorous and was full of millionaires when she sank, few appreci[...]
with Bruce Beveridge, Scott Andrews and Art Braunschweiger
Authors Bruce Beveridge, Scott Andrews, Steve Hall, Daniel Klistorner, Art Braunschweiger Limited edition leatherbound slip-cased including Volume One Design and Construction and Volume Two Interior Design and Fitting Out[...]
From the team of expert behind "Titanic: The Ship Magnificent," this story of the "Titanic "in pictures, from build to maiden voyage, includes many rare images from collectors' archivesThe name Titanic "has become synonymous with catastrophe, the story of this luxurious liner legendary. Wrecked afte[...]