Andalusiassa kohtasivat vuosisatojen ajan mitä erilaisimmat kulttuurit. Niiden ainutkertainen sekoitus on jättänyt jälkensä Etelä-Espanjan kulttuurimaisemaan. Oppaan asiantuntevat tekstit ja vaikuttava kuvitus johdattavat matkailijan Andalusian tärkeimpiin nähtävyyksiin. Monet kulttuurin ja[...]
Each volume of the Art & Architecture series is opulently illustrated. The highly readable texts provide
concentrated information on accessing well-known and less-known sites in the world of art. An image of every piece of art that is described is included, allowing readers to easily recog[...]
Each volume of the Art & Architecture series is opulently illustrated. The highly readable texts provide concentrated information on accessing well-known and less-known sites in the world of art. An image of every piece of art that is described is included, allowing readers to easily recognize[...]