Homosexuality is a taboo subject in Arab countries. Clerics denounce it as a heinous sin, while newspapers write cryptically of "shameful acts." Although many parts of the world now accept sexual diversity, the Middle East is moving in the opposite direction. In this absorbing account, journalist Br[...]
Homosexuality is still taboo in the Arab world. While clerics denounce it as a heinous sin, newspapers, reluctant to address it directly, talk cryptically of 'shameful acts' and 'deviant behaviour'. Despite growing acceptance of sexual diversity in many parts of the world, attitudes in the Middle Ea[...]
Western governments see the Middle East only in terms of its impact on the West. But how do people in the Middle East view their own countries, governments and institutions? Few would argue that the Middle East is thriving, but what do those living in the region identify as their greatest obstacles [...]
Homosexualitet är fortfarande ett tabubelagt ämne i arabvärlden. Prästerskapet menar att det är en svår synd och tidningarna, som ogärna tar upp ämnet i direkta ordalag, talar kryptiskt om ?skamliga handlingar? och ?avvikande beteenden?. Trots att sexuell mångfald är på väg att bli alltm[...]