Does having faith mean abandoning reason? It's easy to get that impression. Still, it seems reasonable that a supremely intelligent God would want you to use your God-given intellect on your spiritual journey as much as in any other aspect of your life. Faith may not stand on rational thinking alone[...]
We are in the midst of a paradigm shift in the church. Not since the Reformation five centuries ago have so many Christians come together to ask whether the church is in sync with their deepest beliefs and commitments. These believers range from evangelicals to mainline Protestants to Catholics, and[...]
Christianity is in crisis. Many sincere Christians feel their traditional Christian practices are in danger of becoming irrelevant, empty rituals. In his previous book A New Kind of Christianity, Brian D. McLaren offered new biblical models for how we understand the central ideas of a faith that pro[...]
Christianity is in crisis. Many sincere Christians feel their traditional Christian practices are in danger of becoming irrelevant, empty rituals. In his previous book A New Kind of Christianity, Brian D. McLaren offered new biblical models for how we understand the central ideas of a faith that pro[...]
"Why I Am A Missional, Evangelical, Post/Protestant, Liberal/Conservative, Mystical/Poetic, Biblical, Charismatic/Contemplative, Fundamentalist/Calvinist, Anabaptist/Anglican, Methodist, Catholic, Green, Incarnational, Depressed - Yet Hopeful, Emergent, Unfinished Christian" is a confession and mani[...]
Why have certain spiritual disciplines been in use for centuries, and why are they so important?It is questionable if one can ever be exactly the same person waking up on two consecutive days. How are spiritual sojourners to cope with the constant change? Many are beginning to explore the ancient Ch[...]
Christians and Muslims together make up about 57% of the world's population today, and by the end of the century they will constitute about 66% of the world's population. More than any other single factor, the wellbeing of our children and grandchildren may depend on how well Christians learn to rel[...]
Christians and Muslims together make up about 57% of the world's population today, and by the end of the century they will constitute about 66% of the world's population. More than any other single factor, the wellbeing of our children and grandchildren may depend on how well Christians learn to rel[...]
For over a decade, author and activist Brian McLaren has been challenging Christian leaders to explore what he calls a new kind of Christianity. In WE MAKE THE ROAD BY WALKING, McLaren offers a basic orientation on what it means to be a new kind of Christian, and how it might look to be alive in the[...]
From critically acclaimed author Brian McLaren comes a brilliant retelling of the biblical story and a thrilling reintroduction to Christian faith.
This book offers everything you need to explore what a difference an honest, living, growing faith can make in our world today. It also puts tools [...]
För den som känner sig trött på det kyrkliga eller längtar efter andlighet utan att behöva vara ?religiös?.
I Kristen på nytt sätt får vi följa ett förtroligt och djuplodande samtal mellan pastor Dan och hans dotters NO-lärare, Neo. De resonerar om tro och tvivel, om förnuft[...]
missionell + evangelikal + post/protestantisk + liberal/konservativ + mystisk/poetisk + biblisk + karesmatisk/kontemplativ + fundamentalistisk/kalvinistisk + (ana)baptistisk/anglikansk + metodistisk + katolsk + grön + förkroppsligande + nedstämd men ändå hoppfull [...]
När Abraham beger sig av från Tigris?Eufrat-slätten var det detsamma som att bege sig iväg från trygghet och civilisation ut i det okända. Abraham visste inte vart han var på väg och det fanns inga kartor att följa. Det var ett språng i tro, på känn, med drömmen om att det fanns någont[...]
Det är sällan Jesus ger klara besked. Gång på gång verkar han dölja sitt budskap. Han talar ofta i liknelser och istället för att ge tydliga svar ställer han utmanande motfrågor. De han möter har svårt att förstå honom.
Varför valde han att tala på det[...]