Humanity's time is over. Submit or perish, because the Age of Ultron has arrived The artificial intelligence known as Ultron has fought for years to eradicate mankind...and now, it has all but succeeded. The few remaining heroes are battered, broken, almost beaten and left considering desperate mea[...]
AVX tie-in When the cosmic Phoenix Force threatens the planet, it's up to Earth's Mightiest Heroes to stop it - but the X-Men have a different plan. The struggle between the two teams becomes a battle unlike any the Avengers have ever faced - and every Avenger will be challenged like never before. [...]
The X-Men are shaken to the core by the Battle of the Atom. Kitty Pryde is particularly shaken by the events of the X-Men crossover. With her students gone, what is Kitty to do?
COLLECTING: All-New X-Men 18-21, A+X 18 (Bendis story), material from X-Men: Battle of the Atom 2
The X-Men struggle to deal with the death of one of their own - but before even a moment of silence can pass, the mysterious Mr. Sinister arrives, intent on giving the X-Men a lot more to mourn Then, Gambit returns...but what does he want? The Fenris twins threaten to expose the Ragin' Cajun's past[...]