"A fascinating study of creative teamwork. The final chapter on how to "turbo-charge" less-than-exceptional teams is worth the cover price of the book." Director "What a pleasure to read...the case studies are excellent." -The Financial Times, July 2005 Lead a very special kind of team. The virtuo[...]
A different way of discovering and developing the best business ideasJack Welch once said, "Someone, somewhere has a better idea." In this myth-busting book, the authors reveal that great business ideas do not spring from innate creativity, or necessarily from the brilliant minds of people. Rather, [...]
Virtuose team tar for seg sju team, hvordan disse ble rekruttert, utviklet og ledet - og dermed evnet å sette dype og varige spor etter seg. Eksemplene fra vidt forskjellige samfunnsområder, hvorav to omhandler Roald Amundsen og Norsk Hydro, gjør dette til en spennende og original fagbok bok for [...]