Presenting core concepts in a relevant context, Starr and McMillan's "Human Biology, 9th edition, International Edition" gives students a clear understanding of how the human body works and helps them make well-informed choices as consumers and voters. Each chapter opens with a human biology-related[...]
Clear, engaging, and visual, Starr and McMillan's HUMAN BIOLOGY teaches you the core concepts of human biology and prepares you to make well-informed decisions in your life. Each chapter opens with an application that highlights the relevance of biology and motivates the study of the topic. You then[...]
Clear, engaging, and visual, Starr and McMillan's HUMAN BIOLOGY, 10E, International Edition teaches you the core concepts of human biology and prepares you to make well-informed decisions in your life. Each chapter opens with an application that highlights the relevance of biology and motivates the [...]
Clear, engaging, and visually compelling, Starr and McMillan's Human Biology teaches you the core concepts of human biology and prepares you to make well-informed decisions in your life. Each chapter opens with an application that highlights the relevance of biology and motivates the study of the to[...]
Laskeudu meren pohjaan ja tutustu sen kummallisiin eläimiin.Astu 1500-luvun kaljuunaan ja eläydy sen miehistön arkeen.Miten tsunamit ja hirmumyrskyt kehittyvät ja minkä takia?Sukella valtamerien kiinnostavaan maailmaan, joka esitellään monipuolisesti vaikuttavin kuvituksin ja mukaansatempaavi[...]