In August 1984, Michigan housewife Betty Mahmoody accompanied her husband to his native Iran for a two-week vacation. To her horror, she found herself and her four-year-old daughter, Mahtob, virtual prisoners of a man rededicated to his Shiite Moslem faith, in a land where women are near-slaves and [...]
The author and her husband came to Iran from the USA to meet her husband's family. With them was their four-year-old daughter, Mahtob. Betty soon became desperate to return to the States but her husband and his family had other plans. This is the true story of one woman's struggle to keep her child [...]
Det skulle have været to ugers ferie i Teheran. I stedet blev det til halvandet år fyldt med krig, vold, dødstrusler og et liv som fanger uden kontakt til familien derhjemme.
Læs eller genlæs den rystende beretning om amerikanske Betty Mahmoody, der sammen med sin lille datter Mahtob flygte[...]