En av de stora utmaningarna för hälso- och sjukvården idag är att möta människor som måste lära sig leva med sjukdom. Alltså blir det en av personalens viktigaste uppgifter inom vården att hjälpa patienten hantera sin sjukdom på bästa sätt, men för att uppnå detta räcker det inte me[...]
Time dependent problems frequently pose challenges in areas of science and engineering dealing with numerical analysis, scientific computation, mathematical models, and most importantlynumerical experiments intended to analyze physical behavior and test design. Time Dependent Problems and Diff[...]
This book covers high order finite difference methods for time dependent PDE. It gives an overview of the basic theory and construction principles by using model examples. The book also contains a general presentation of the techniques and results for well-posedness and stability, with inclusion of [...]
This book covers high order finite difference methods for time dependent PDE. It gives an overview of the basic theory and construction principles by using model examples. The book also contains a general presentation of the techniques and results for well-posedness and stability, with inclusion of [...]
The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics - Galileo Galilei. How is it possible to predict weather patterns for tomorrow, with access solely to today's weather data? And how is it possible to predict the aerodynamic behavior of an aircraft that has yet to be built? The answer is c[...]
Tips om skytte och jakt, för nya och gamla jägare.
Varför handladda ? Det är väl farligt och svårt ?
Dyr utrustning ? Blir det så mycket billigare ?
Det är de vanligaste frågorna man får, då man berättar att man handladdar sin ammunition.
Written by authors at the forefront of their field, this Second Edition discusses problems with periodic solutions, and presents new information on initial boundary value problems and numerical methods for partial differential equations.[...]