As Auersbergers anticipate the arrival of a star actor, and the commencement of dinner, the author, who never once leaves the relative comfort of his 'wing-backed chair' where he sips at a glass of champagne, dismantles the hollow pretentiousness at the heart of the Austrian bourgeoisie. And the eff[...]
Thomas Bernhards självbiografiska romaner - Orsaken, Källaren, Anhämtningen, Kylan och Ett barn - hör till hans mest lästa och omtalade. Skikt för skikt tränger han in i sitt förflutna, med början i de svåra skolåren där han tvingas öva sig att uthärda både de allierades bombattacker [...]
Thomas Bernhardin Vanhoissa mestareissa pääosassa on kaksi vanhaa miestä. Reger, musiikkikriitikko, on yli kolmenkymmenen vuoden ajan käynyt wieniläisessä museossa istumassa samalla penkillä Tintoretton maalauksen edessä. Hän on pohtinut ja parjannut mielessään nykyyhteiskuntaa, kanssaihm[...]
"Kellari" on Thomas Bernhardin viisiosaisen autobiografisen teossarjan 2. osa. Kertomus kuvaa teossarjan avausosassa "Syy":ssä koulunkäynnin kesken jättäneen Thomasin oppipoikavuosina kellarissa toimivassa elintarvikeliikkeessä, joka sijaitsee lähiössä, jota alkoholistit, rikolliset ja muut[...]
"Hengitys" on Thomas Bernhardin viisiosaisen autobiografisen romaanisarjan kolmas teos. Teoksessa kuvataan aikaa sairaalassa. Bernhard on sairastunut keuhkosairauteen. Bernhard käy lähellä kuolemaa, mutta hän selviää kuitenkin sairaudestaan. Bernhardin isoistä on samaan aikaan kuin Bernhard [...]
"Kylmyys" on Thomas Bernhardin (1931-1989) viisiosaisen omaelämänkerrallisen teossarjan neljäs osa. Kertomuksessa kahdeksantoistavuotias Thomas joutuu painajaismaiseen keuhkoparantolakierteeseen ja oman alkuperänsä suurimman arvoituksen äärelle: kuka hänen isänsä lopultakin oli?[...]
Viisiosaisen omaelämäkerrallisen teossarjan päätösosa sulkee kulttikirjailijaksi kasvaneen Bernhardin kasvuympyrän. Se on hyytävä kuvaus varhaisimmasta lapsuusajasta, joka edelsi sarjan ensimmäistä osaa Syytä: aviottoman lapsen syntymä Hollannissa, aika isovanhempien luona Wienissä ja S[...]
The Austrian playwright, novelist, and poet Thomas Bernhard (1931-89) is acknowledged as one of the major writers of our time. The seven stories in this collection capture Bernhard's distinct darkly comic voice and vision - often compared to Kafka and Musil - commenting on a corrupted world. First p[...]
Roithamer has committed suicide having been driven to madness by his own frightening powers of pure thought. We witness the gradual breakdown of a genius ceaselessly compelled to correct and refine his perceptions until the only logical conclusion of the negation of his own soul.[...]
"Old Masters (1985)" is Thomas Bernhard's devilishly funny story about the friendship between two old men. For over thirty years Reger, a music critic, has sat on the same bench in front of a Tintoretto painting in a Viennese museum, thinking and railing against contemporary society, his fellow men,[...]
In this exuberantly satirical novel, the tutor Atzbacher has been
summoned by his friend Reger to meet him in a Viennese museum. While
Reger gazes at a Tintoretto portrait, Atzbacher--who fears Reger's
plans to kill himself--gives us a portrait of the musicologist: his
wisdom, his de[...]
Although he is best known in the United States as a novelist, Austrian writer Thomas Bernhard has been hailed in Europe as one of the most significant and controversial of contemporary playwrights. George Steiner has predicted that the current era in German-language literature will be recognized as [...]
Three novellas by the European novelist--Amras, Playing Watten, and Walking--explore the psychological crisis precipitated by modern life, with two being translated into English for the first time. (General Fiction)[...]
Thomas Bernhard (1931-1989), a literary figure of international acclaim and arguably Austria's greatest post-World War II writer, became the first of his generation to expose unrelentingly his country's pathological denial of complicity in the Holocaust. Bernhard's writings and indeed his own biogra[...]
Internationally acclaimed Austrian novelist, playwright, and memoirist Thomas Bernhard (1931-1989) has been compared to Kafka and Beckett, and critics have ranked his novels among the masterpieces of the twentieth century. But in fact he began his career in the 1950s as a poet, publishing three book[...]
Beloved Austrian writer Thomas Bernhard (1931 89) began his career in the early 1950s as a poet. Over the next decade, Bernhard wrote thousands of poems and published four volumes of intensely wrought and increasingly personal verse, with such titles as On Earth and in Hell, In Hora Mortis, and Unde[...]
Over the course of three days in 1970, June 5, 6, and7, simply sitting on a white bench in a Hamburg park, Thomas Bernhard delivered a powerful monologue for Three Days (DreiTage), filmmaker Ferry Radax s commanding film portrait of the great Austrian writer. Radax interwove the monologue with a var[...]
At the behest of his surgical mentor, a young Austrian medical student poses as a law student to journey to a remote mining town in order to observe Strauch, an aging painter and brother of his mentor, without letting Strauch know his true occupation, and becomes caught up in the lives of the mad ar[...]