"So..." Shola wagged her tail doubtfully, "if I'm a lion, why does Grogoinsist on calling me a mere mutt?" Shola is sure that her noble nature and ambitions of grandeur mean only one thing - that she is, in fact, not a dog but a lioness. To the bemusement of her long-suffering owner, Senor Grogo, s[...]
Obaba is peopled with innocents and intellectuals, shepherds and schoolchildren, whilst everyone from a lovelorn schoolmistress to a cultured but self-hating dwarf wanders across the page. This is a novel about life in Obaba, a remote, exotic, Basque village.[...]
Nevada Days is the story of a writer who travels to Nevada, in the United States, between August of 2007 and June of 2007, but it is also much more. It's a story in which the real experiences mix with memories, images, and dreams; in which the hostile, arid desert landscape and the green, red, and f[...]
David Imaz har i många år bott utomlands, på en ranch i Kalifornien, långt bort från sitt hemland Baskien. Nu, när han är i femtioårsåldern och allvarligt sjuk, bestämmer han sig för att skriva berättelsen om sina ungdomsår i byn Obaba ? om den tid då han efterträdde sin far som byns [...]