The ants below Edmund Wells cellar floor have developed an intricate civilization and with inconceivable cruelty, they have perfected the art of guerilla warfare which they use to deadly effect against their enemies. Jonathan innocently enters the ant world which changes his life forever.[...]
Here is the stunning international bestseller in the tradition of Watership Down but with a dark, original twist. Unique, daring, and unforgettable, it tells the story of an ordinary family who accidentally threaten the security of a hidden civilization as intelligent as our own--a colon[...]
"...Posle "Muravev" i "Tanatonavtov" ja reshil obratitsja k klassicheskomu sjuzhetu. I sozdal svoego sobstvennogo Sherloka Kholmsa. Roman "Otets nashikh ottsov" - odin iz moikh ljubimykh. Snachala kazhetsja, chto eto detektiv, v kotorom dejstvie razvivaetsja po zakonam zhanra: prestuplenie, rassledo[...]
Entsiklopedija otnositelnogo i absoljutnogo znanija - kniga-legenda! C nee nachalos voskhozhdenie Verbera k vershinam mirovoj slavy! Ee prochital kazhdyj vtoroj frantsuz! Teper i na russkom jazyke![...]