This is a precious collection of beautiful quilted gifts for every occasion, including birthdays, mother's day, weddings and Christmas. Create elegant home accents using pieced patchwork and applique, all with Barri Sue Gaudet's stylish country charm. The complexity of each project reflects the amou[...]
From bunting and blankets to cot quilts and comforters, Quilt a Gift for Little Ones has gorgeous gifts to make for every new arrival. There are gifts, keepsakes and useful nursery items with something for everyone - baby boys and baby girls, mum and dad and the grandparents. Each chapter has its ow[...]
10 projects for baby quilts and accessories, including totes, crib bumpers, wall hangings and pillows.[...]
Personliga, hemgjorda presenter är lika roliga att ge bort som att få. Denna bok är en riktig skattkista för dig som gillar att sy, och innehåller både enkla och mer krävande projekt.
Födelsedagskalas, bröllop, inflyttningsfester och barndop - Tillfällena då man vill glädja d[...]