In Violence and Civility, tienne Balibar boldly confronts the insidious causes of violence, racism, nationalism, and ethnic cleansing worldwide, as well as mass poverty and dispossession. Through a novel synthesis of theory and empirical studies of contemporary violence, the acclaimed thinker pushe[...]
Political theology is a distinctly modern problem, one that takes shape in some of the most important theoretical writings of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. But its origins stem from the early modern period, in medieval iconographies of sacred kinship and the critique of traditional sover[...]
tienne Balibar has been one of Europe's most important philosophical and political thinkers since the 1960s. His work has been vastly influential on both sides of the Atlantic throughout the humanities and the social sciences. In We, the People of Europe?, he expands on themes raised in his previous[...]
Where is mankind located in the Universe? What goes on inside atoms? Was Einstein always right? Will we find extraterrestrial life in the near future? And what should be done about global warming? Sbastien Balibar, a leading authority in physics, uses illuminating stories from his own life to answer[...]
International in scope and featuring a diverse group of contributors, The Borders of Justice investigates the complexities of transitional justice that emerge from its "social embeddedness." This original and provocative collection of essays, which stem from a collective research program on social j[...]
In recent years there has been increased interest in three contemporary French philosophers, all former students of Louis Althusser and each now an influential thinker in his own right. Alain Badiou is one of the most important living continental thinkers, well-known for his pioneering theory of the[...]
This is the only guide to Marx that the student and scholar will need. This is an excellent introduction to Marx's thought from a major French philosopher. Providing a lucid, succinct, and accessible introduction to Marx and his key followers, complete with pedagogical information for the student, B[...]
With Hobbes and Locke, Spinoza is arguably one of the most important political philosophers of the modern era, a premier theoretician of democracy and mass politics. In this revised and augmented English translation of his 1985 classic, Spinoza et la Politique, Etienne Balibar presents a synoptic ac[...]
Reading Capital is an attempt to topple the entire edifice of Western Marxism, and rebuild it from the original foundations. Establishing a rigorous program of symptomatic reading that cuts through the silences and lacunae of Capital to reveal its philosophical core, Louis Althusser interprets Marx [...]
The modernity of racism and its relationship to contemporary capitalism.
This shrinkwrapped set contains twelve Verso Radical Thinkers volumes at a discounted price: Machiavelli and Us by Louis Althusser Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities by Etienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein Passwords by Jean Baudrillard The Panopticon Writings by Jeremy Bentham Comments on[...]
As one of Louis Althusser's most brilliant students in the 1960s, Etienne Balibar contributed to the theoretical collective masterpiece of Reading Capital. Since then he has established himself among the most subtle philosophical and political thinkers in France. In Politics and the Other Scene Bali[...]
As one of Louis Althusser's most brilliant students in the 1960s, Etienne Balibar contributed to the theoretical collective masterpiece of Reading Capital. Since then he has established himself amongst the most subtle philosophical and political thinkers in France. In Politics and the Other Scene Ba[...]
Nämn Einsteins namn och finn att ytterst få människor aldrig har hört talas om den berömde fysikern och tänkaren. Men hur många vet något om människan bakom namnet? Få människor inom den naturvetenskapliga forskningen har kommit att spela en så stor roll som Albert Einstein, när det gä[...]
Hur kan det komma sig att rasismen, ett halvsekel efter nazismens nederlag och fyrtio år efter avkolonialiseringens epok, fortfarande är ett växande problem? Genom en dialog mellan den franske filosofen Etienne Balibar och den amerikanske historikern och sociologen Immanuel Wallerstein tar sig Ra[...]
Europabygget tycks befinna sig i en permanent kris. Istället för en ?allt tätare sammanslutning mellan de europeiska folken?, ser vi hur Europa fragmenteras genom uppkomsten av nya skiljelinjer och hierarkier.
De dilemman och paradoxer som dagens Europa står inför är utgångspunkte[...]
I numret introduceras en rad centrala samtida klassteoretiker. Dessutom granskar vi de klassmässiga realiteterna bakom vår tids diskussioner om utanförskap, klassresor, medelklass och prekariat.
Innehåll i Fronesis nr 40-41:
Magnus Wennerhag: Inledning
Mattias [...]
I det allmänmänskligas namn
I en tid då det mobiliseras kring nationalstatens, folkgemenskapens och det religiösa samfundets särart kan tanken på en universell frigörelse te sig avlägsen. Trots att vi delar levnadsvillkor i större utsträckning än någonsin tidigare tycks de partiku[...]