Therapist burnout is a pressing issue and self-care is possible only when therapists actively help themselves. The authors examine the literature from neurobiology, social psychology and folk psychology in order to explain how therapists suffer from an excess of empathy for their clients, and then t[...]
Traumatised people hold a memory of that trauma in their brains and bodies. This is the first book to link this phenomenon of somatic memory and the impact of trauma on the body. Reducing the chasm between scentific theory and clinical practice, Rothschild presents techniques for addressing the memo[...]
Rothschild, a member of the International and European Societies for Traumatic Stress Studies, explains how to use a combination of trauma treatment methods, emphasizing the importance of tailoring trauma therapy to the needs of the client, in this companion to the author's The Body Remembers . She [...]
Trauma recovery is tricky; however, there are several key principles that can help make the process safe and effective. This book gives self help readers, therapy clients and therapists alike the skills to understand and implement eight keys to successful trauma healing: mindful identification of wh[...]
Mennesker, der har været ude for voldsomme eller skelsættende begivenheder, har ikke bare erindringer om disse begivenheder indlejret i hjernen, men også i kroppen. Disse erindringer kommer tydeligst til udtryk i de symptomer, der også kendetegner posttraumatisk stress: mareridt, flashba[...]
Terapeutin loppuun palaminen on vakava haaste ja itsehoito on mahdollinen vain, jos terapeutit aktiivisesti auttavat itse itseään. APUA AUTTAJALLE haastaa nykyiset käsitykset asiakkaiden vaikutuksesta terapeutteihin ja arvioi avoimesti psykoterapiatyön riskejä: myötätuntouupumusta ja sijaistr[...]