Graph Theory has proved to be an extremely useful tool for solving combinatorial problems in such diverse areas as Geometry, Algebra, Number Theory, Topology, Operations Research and Optimization. It is natural to attempt to generalise the concept of a graph, in order to attack additional combinator[...]
The star pieces from fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent's art collection including works by Cezanne, Picasso, Mondrian and Matisse have been unveiled in the Grand Palais, Paris, ahead of what auctioneers have dubbed the art sale of the century. Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge amassed the collec[...]
Yves Saint Laurent's signature design style is marked by its intertwining of references from the art world with those of popular culture and social revolution. Since its establishment in the 1960s by Saint Laurent himself and his partner, Pierre Berge, the Yves Saint Laurent haute couture house has [...]
One of the most talented and influential couturiers of his time, Yves Saint Laurent began his career as Christian Dior's protege and went on to become a legendary arbiter of twentieth-century style. Saint Laurent's extraordinary taste went well beyond the world of fashion, and in this lavish volume,[...]
French ed. published: Paris: Editions de La Martiniere, 2011.
In this lovely book, Pierre Berge, the longtime partner of Yves Saint Laurent, remembers ... He recalls his arrival in Marrakech with Yves Saint Laurent in 1966, those first rainy days, their first home purchased together, their exploration of Morocco and its fascinating light. He remembers friends-[...]
"The Ecology of Building Materials" explores key questions surrounding sustainability of building materials. It provides technical data to enable design and building professionals to choose the most appropriate materials for a project: those that are least polluting, most energy efficient, and from [...]
Das Land um Tegernsee, Schliersee und Spitzingsee gilt vielen als der Inbegriff bayerischer Voralpenlandschaft. Seen, bewaldete Hügel und erste felsige Gipfel inmitten von einzigartigem bäuerlichem Kulturland zeigen ein Landschaftsbild von seltener Harmonie. Es sind vor allem die einladenden, bewi[...]
Der große Klassiker eines modernen, weltbekannten Weisen Ramana Maharshis "Gespräche" sind bei geistig Suchenden - gleich welcher Religion - überall auf der Welt hoch geachtet. Auch Jahrzehnte nach dem Tod des Meisters sind sie ein unerschöpflicher Quell des Trostes und der Inspiration auf dem [...]