Hayat Shah was captivated by Mina long before he met her: his mother's beautiful, brilliant friend is a family legend. When he learns that Mina is leaving Pakistan to live with the Shahs in America, Hayat is thrilled. Hayat's father is less enthusiastic. Ever wary of fundamentalism, he doesn't relis[...]
Hayat Shah is a young American in love for the first time. His normal life of school, baseball, and video games had previously been distinguished only by his Pakistani heritage and by the frequent chill between his parents, who fight over things he is too young to understand. Then Mina arrives, and [...]
Hayat Shah is a young American in love for the first time. His normal life of school, baseball, and video games had previously been distinguished only by his Pakistani heritage and by the frequent chill between his parents, who fight over things he is too young to understand. Then Mina arrives, and [...]
Disgraced by Ayad Akhtar is the winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, 2013. New York. Today. Corporate lawyer Amir Kapoor is happy, in love, and about to land the biggest career promotion of his life. But beneath the veneer, success has come at a price. When Amir and his artist wife, Emily, host a[...]
Hayat Shah is a young American in love for the first time. His normal life of school, baseball, and video games had previously been distinguished only by his Pakistani heritage and by the frequent chill between his parents, who fight over things he is too young to understand. Then Mina arrives, and [...]
10-årige Hayat Shah er fascineret af Mina, længe før han møder hende. Hans mors smukke og gudfrygtige veninde er en sand legende i Shah-familien, og da det viser sig, at Mina kommer til USA for at bo hos Shah-familien, bliver Hayat henrykt. Hayats far er dog knapt så begejstret; han v[...]
"Du kommer kanske inte att tycka om mig om du får veta allt som hänt ?"
Rachel och Hayat sitter nära varandra i ett litet studentrum i USA. Snart kommer Hayat att utmana deras nyvunna kärlek. Något inom honom säger att han bara måste berätta. Han måste berätta om den strålande,[...]
"Du kommer kanske inte att tycka om mig om du får veta allt som hänt ?"
Rachel och Hayat sitter nära varandra i ett litet studentrum i USA. Snart kommer Hayat att utmana deras nyvunna kärlek. Något inom honom säger att han bara måste berätta. Han måste berätta om den strålande, sj�[...]
Kymmenvuotias Hayat elää tavallista nuoren pojan arkea yhdysvaltalaisella esikaupunkialueella. Pakistanilaistaustaisen perheen kodin ilmapiiriä kuitenkin kiristävät niin äidin koti-ikävä kuin maallistuneen, islamilaista fundamentalismia paenneen tutkijaisän syrjähypyt.Kaikki muuttuu, kun �[...]