This transcript of a process-oriented psychology seminar provides a theoretical overview, and then continues on with demonstrations of how to work with individuals and groups. The interactions between Drs. Mindell and the seminar participants show that in order to get to the process, it may be neces[...]
Drawing on his shamanic experiences in Africa, Japan and India, the author of this book takes readers on a "death walk" in which our worst fears and most profound emotions are confronted in order to awaken the shaman-warrior within. Through this method, one's own internal sorcery is unleashed and us[...]
Utilizing in-depth research and analysis, this volume debunks the quick fixes and simplistic explanations of Dr. Phil McGraw. While he's watched and revered by millions, no critique exists for his daytime advice--and like much of "pop psychology," his counsel is often ineffective, leaving people fee[...]
In this cutting-edge book, therapist, parent, and visionary Dr. Dawn Menken introduces a fresh approach to the joy and wonder of the world of parenting. Going beyond the conventional "how to" book, this is the ultimate guide to nurturing the emotional, spiritual, and social lives of children, helpin[...]
Observera att förlaget som ger ut denna produkt baserar innehållet i sina produkter på fria källor som Wikipedia. Boken är med stor sannolikhet endast ett utdrag ur dessa informationskällor, alltså inte en vanlig bok i den bemärkelsen.[...]
Techniques for 24-hour lucid dreaming.
Using examples ranging from disputes in small organisations to large-scale conflicts in countries around the world, this volume offers practical methods for working with conflict, leadership crises, stagnation, abuse, terrorism, violence, and other social action issues. It brings an understanding of[...]
Drawing on a large number of case studies, practical applications of the Dreambody theory are described, instructing how to unfold symptoms and other somatic phenomena to reveal the dreamlike and mythical experiences that we usually discount in everyday life. These symptoms may not be merely sicknes[...]
Integrating family therapy with dream and body work, the relationship between classical analysis and information theory is explored. Dreambody work is applied to groups of individuals, hologram theory, the collective unconscious, and the discoveries of modern physics and biology, to show how each in[...]
Drawing liberally from physics, psychology, aboriginal beliefs, and shamanism, this spiritual guide defines, explores, and applies both earth-based psychology and the related idea of path awareness -- the innate ability to sense where to turn at a given moment. By drawing together disparate elements[...]
En shaman opfatter ikke voldsomme hændelser som sygdom, død og depression som ulykker, men som en mulighed for at komme i kontakt med større kræfter. Bogen indeholder en række øvelser, som man selv kan udføre for at komme i kontakt med shamanens krop.[...]
Byens skygger er sider hos os alle, som vi fortrænger og ikke udlever. Disse sider bliver derimod udlevet af de 'psykisk syge' - skizofrene, manio-depressive, alkoholikere og psykopater. Mindell mener, at mennesker i disse ekstreme tilstande er bedst hjulpet ved at arbejde med deres kropssprog og i[...]
Procesorienteret meditation kan bruges af den enkelte som et middel til at løse konflikter og øge den bevidste opmærksomhed indefra. Arnold Mindell viser, hvad den kan føre til, og anviser en ny og overraskende vej for alle, som ønsker en dybere forståelse af sig selv og sit ståsted i verden.[...]