Ari Kelman - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Ari Kelman
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  1. Battle Lines: A Graphic History of the Civil War (Inbunden)


    Ari Kelman, Jonathan Fetter-Vorm, Jonathan Fetter-Vorm

    ISBN: 9780809094745 - UTGIVEN: 2015-05

    The first graphic history to capture the full scope of the Civil War, gorgeously drawn and expertly told
    The graphic novelist Jonathan Fetter-Vorm and the award-winning historian Ari Kelman team up to create a unique portrait of a brutal and defining event in American history: the Civil War. The [...]

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    från 237.00 kr
  2. River and Its City, A: The Nature of Landscape in New Orleans (Övrig)


    Ari Y. Kelman

    ISBN: 9780520234338 - UTGIVEN: 2006-04-18

    This engaging environmental history explores the rise, fall, and rebirth of one of the nation's most important urban public landscapes, and more significantly, the role public spaces play in shaping people's relationships with the natural world. Ari Kelman focuses on the battles fought over New Orle[...]

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    från 284.00 kr
  3. Station Identification: A Cultural History of Yiddish Radio in the United States (Övrig)


    Ari Y. Kelman

    ISBN: 9780520255739 - UTGIVEN: 2009-05-27

    This study examines the culture of Yiddish radio in the United States during radio's golden age. Ari Y. Kelman explores the dynamic relationships between an immigrant population and a mass medium and between audience and community. By focusing on voices previously excluded from radio histories, this[...]

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    från 409.00 kr